Thursday, January 29, 2009

Randam thoughts

This is just some random open thoughts for class. Many things go wrong in school and sometimes there are things that go really great. But I don't know what to type...This is kin of hard to think of something to type of because I don't have much to say. Well this class is really fun a lot of the times. A few times it is boring but just as long as we learn something like new stories and etc. A lot of people help me on classwork so I want to be smarter so that I can get the meaning of things that I don't.

Oh yeah I DO have six toes on my right foot but I wonder what it really stands for. I wonder who else has six toes in the school. It's just a thought but I'm typing it so I don't care about it much. None of my other family members have six toes so I feel left out at times but also I feel like I'm unique in a way too. I use to have been able to move my sixth toe but now I can't because I never practice moving it around anymore.


Princess Maya said...

Well that's interesting that you have six toes. I don't, if you were wondering who else has. Yeah so I guess have a nice day!

L. M. Peifer said...

I think you told me this before, but I didn't know if you were serious. I think that is super interesting. You should try practicing to move it more; that's cool and very unique. I wonder how many people in the world have six toes on one foot; I bet not that many!

PikaChue said...

You have six toes on one of your foot, I had nop clue about that. That is interesting, is it a family trait? I know how it feels to have nothing to write about. It is like having nothing to write about.